Morning Debriefing 8/26/11
2) If you follow everything that I write, I spend quite a bit of time defending what comedians say, even if I think it’s hack, bigoted, etc., but somehow has made other people laugh. However, this latest case of an audience member telling a story of date-raping a girl at the show ASSSSCAT during the Del Close Marathon in NY is something that I can’t and won’t intellectually defend even if he was somehow kidding and made the whole thing up. From all accounts, people were cringing, verbally booing, and more in an attempt to get him to stop, which really breaks the main rule that I stand behind, which is “no matter what you talk about, you have to be funny.” Get the full story from Halle Kiefer at Splitsider.
3) On a much lighter note, the line-up for the comedy portion of the FYF Fest, which comprises about .5% of the festival, is FINALLY HERE. Emo Phillips, Marc Maron, and the Sklar Brothers are just a few names…
4) We didn’t even realize that Deadspin had a Comedy Week until yesterday. There’s some fascinating stuff, namely, a tribute to Mitch Hedberg, and a feature on Sean Patton. Thanks to Luke Cunningham for pointing this out.
5) Judges at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival actually picked the Top 10 One-Liners from all the comedians and we think that Matt Kirshen got robbed.
6) The Compatish finds and actually plays The Bachelor: The Game.
7) So, Nikki Glaser has fan t-shirts… (Special thanks to Scott Bowser pictured below)

“I’m Going Somewhere With This…”: Storytelling Show @ The Mint Sun. Aug. 28th 7PM
DC Pierson is Bad at Girls @ UCB Theatre Sun. Sept. 18th 9:30PM $5
Brent Weinbach @ Hollywood Improv 8PM $18/2 item min.
The Business @ Nerdist Theater 8PM $8 online/$10 at door
The 12 Shiny Nickels Show @ Hollywood Improv Lab 8:30PM $10
The Second City Late Night w/Howie Kremer: Community Show @ Second City Hollywood 9PM $5 (sold out, tickets may be available at door)
Gina Yashere @ Downtown Comedy Club 9PM $10/2 item min.
Comedy Car Hole @ Comedy Car Hole 9PM FREE
SET LIST @ FLAPPERS BAR 102 E. Magnolia, Burbank, CA/Sign-up 5PM/Starts 5:30PM/given “set list” of topics to do jokes off of/first come, first served/no purchase necessary
SAL’S COMEDY HOLE 7356 Melrose Ave., Hollywood, CA/Starts 6PM/$4 min./first come, first served
iCANDY 1708 E. Broadway, Long Beach, CA/Sign-up 6PM/Starts 7PM/first come, first served/$3 min./mixed mic/booked show in middle around 8PM
SILVERLAKE LOUNGE 2906 W. Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, CA (Silverlake)/Sign-up (lottery) 6:30PM/Starts 7PM/4 min./no purchase necessary
SUNSET GRILL 7439 W. Sunset Blvd., Hollywood, CA/Starts 7PM/one item min.
MAX BLOOM’S 200 N. Malden Ave., Fullerton, CA/Starts 7PM/booked show after/no purchase necessary
FLOODLAMP OPEN MEG[APHONE] 3201 W. Verdugo Blvd., Burbank, CA/Sign-up 7:30PM/Starts 8PM/under floodlamp/on megaphone/lottery/no purchase necessary
GLENDALE DAYS INN 450 N. Pioneer Dr., Glendale, CA/Sign-up 7PM/Starts 8PM/No foul language/No purchase necessary/first come, first served
MARTY’S/THE OPEN MIC 7351 W. Sunset Blvd., Hollywood, CA (walk up Martel, past Big Mama’s and Papa’s)/5PM to 11PM/$5 min./multiple sets allowed/first come, first served/coffee and bottled water available
HOLLYWOOD HOTEL 1160 N. Vermont Ave., Hollywood, CA/Starts MIDNIGHT
FLAPPERS BAR 102 E. Magnolia Ave., Burbank, CA/Sign-up 10PM/Starts MIDNIGHT/lottery
12) OK, I love this city dearly and inhabitants, often transplants, are resentful of LA not living up to their expectations. It’s an unfortunate circumstance for any metropolis this size and I sincerely wish anyone that whines about being guilted to live here because they felt they had to in order to accomplish something would go back to where they came from. Even with that in mind and making my peace with all the shortcomings of Los Angeles, freeway construction at 1AM at every fucking off-ramp and on-ramp causing bumper to bumper traffic can go fuck itself once we make that possible.
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