Pick of the Day: PGF Records Launch Show and Party! (in NYC) 11/16

In case you missed it yesterday, Pretty Good Friends Records is going to be the newest cool comedy record label to come around in quite some time. Eugene Mirman, Julie Smith Clem, Areti Papazoglou, and Sub Pop Records are all teaming up to venture out on what is still an exciting “wild west” of sorts in comedy, comedy albums.

To christen their operation, they’re throwing a launch party/show at the Bell House in Brooklyn on Wed. Nov. 16th at 7:30PM that will also debut their very first release, Maeve Higgins’ A Very Special Woman. PGF Records’ Eugene Mirman and their pretty good friends Bobcat Goldthwait, Marie Faustin, and, of course Maeve Higgins, will all be performing to make it one damn fine inaugural night for a comedy record label.

Tickets are $30.57 including fees. Go snag them right here right now.