Two More John Mulaney & The Sack Lunch Bunch Specials Are On Their Way at Comedy Central

The beloved “for kids” (but not really) variety special John Mulaney & the Sack Lunch Bunch charmed Netflix viewers last year with its esoteric and niche adult humor juxtaposed against the framework of a children’s variety TV special. It did such a smash up job in that regard that people are still talking about it several months later as one of their favorite hours of comedy in recent memory.

So, announced today, Comedy Central took that cue (and, we’re guessing, a passed up opportunity by Netflix) to do two more Sack Lunch Bunch specials with Mulaney, one of which will be positioned for the holidays.

Whether will be allowed to gather in public by the times these come out or not, these two upcoming John Mulaney & the Sack Lunch Bunch will be worth two more of your hours inside to watch and enjoy.