Emily Heller’s “Good For Her” Now on Pre-Order w/Horny For Heller T-Shirts


Emily Heller’s album Good For Her is another reason why this Friday is going to be a great day for comedy releases. Off of the same label, Kill Rock Stars, Ian Karmel and her are both releasing albums on that day just so you know.

Good For Her tours the mind of Emily Heller with all of its eccentricities structured very neatly into several bits that are both personal, yet also playful. A whole chunk on the multiple layers in which Frasier figures Emily’s life, both literally and metaphorically, is a pretty great example of that.

You can now pre-order Good For Her along with a T-shirt that has “Horny For Heller” printed on it for a Nov. 13th release. Also, if you’re one of the first 50 people to put an order for a CD, actual “googly eyes” will be glued on.