The Comedy Bureau Field Report Ep. 169: Chris Fleming & The State of Silly
When it comes to be an untethered “silly goose” on stage, few comedians do it quite as well (and as satisfyingly for folks of all kinds) like Chris Fleming. With as much flexibility as those wavy arm inflatable tube men and the panache and comedic verve to match, Fleming orchestrates his comedic performances in such a thrilling way that he deserves to play such renowned places like Largo on a regular basis.
TCB’s Jake Kroeger talks to Fleming about what it’s like to preserve a spirit of silliness at such gritty, dark times as we continue to live in and even get in a bit of what it’s like bouncing around the scenes betweeen LA, Boston, and NYC for this week’s TCB Field Report.
Follow Chris Fleming @chrisflemingfleming on IG
The Comedy Bureau @thecomedybureau across platforms and please, please support TCB via Patreon or on Venmo (@jakekroeger).
Produced by Jake Kroeger
Music by Brian Granillo
Artwork by Andrew Delman and Jake Kroeger
Photo by Jill Petracek