Please Get Atsuko Okatsuka’s Delightful Debut Album “but i control me”


Not only does Atsuko Okatsuka have a bottomless well of charm on stage, but there’s a self-awareness about her charm and her whole persona/being that ends up being even more charming somehow. 

Atsuko has a fascinating story of coming to America, some of which finds its way on this debut album, but i control me, making for a very intriguing listen for that alone. Also, she has very, very clever observations through her unique Asian-American immigrant lens, nimbly told with an undeniably fun delivery. 

Undoubtedly, this debut album is a very good sign of what’s to come (even after Okatsuka already has very enjoyable body of work)

Get but i control me from Comedy Dynamics on Fri. Jan. 17th on Apple Music, Amazon, and Pandora here.