If You Still Need an Absurdist Break from Reality, Enjoy Aunty Donna’s “Everything’s a Drum” (and Their “Big Ol’ House of Fun” Sketch Show)
Though we all knew that Trump would deny that he lost and seemingly refuse to leave The White House if that were the case, the horrifically taut tension of 2020 is still very much straining the entire world.
So, we’d like to suggest a nice little break for some self-care in the form of the peak absurdist musical/sketch comedy of the fantastic Australian sketch group Aunty Donna comprised of Mark Bonanno, Broden Kelly, Zachary Ruane, and Sam Lingham. Specifically, this song “Everything’s a Drum” offers up one of the more sensationally ridiculous sketches we’ve seen in some time.
If you dig that, you might want to hop on over to Netflix to catch their entire six episode run of Aunty Donna’s Big Ol House of Fun that just started streaming this week. Just like they’ve done in any of their internationally touring live stage shows in the past, Aunty Donna is pretty fearless in how silly and daft they go and really reap the rewards for doing so.
Also, Ed Helms is actually is on camera in the show as an EP if you need more convincing for some reason to go binge it right now.