Please Get Jared Logan’s Damn Good Sophomore Album “The Twilight Door”

Like any art form, stand-up comedy needs its torchbearers, practitioners that are such experts they can always show you “how it’s done”.
Jared Logan, for a long while, has been such a comedian who blends tight, concise, personal writing, delightful flourishes of the absurd, and flawless, confident delivery with ease. This is especially true of his latest hour The Twilight Door. It’s such a well crafted hour of stand-up that it flows effortlessly, (even though it’s clear great care has been taken in assembling it).
Oh yeah, Jared’s opening joke is one of the best opening jokes we’ve heard for an hour of stand-up in years.
So, we strongly urge you to get The Twilight Door fresh off the presses from AST Records here or iTunes here.