Here Are Samantha Bee and John Oliver’s Past Segments on Migrants and Refugees Because They Seem Even More Important Than When They First Aired
Full Frontal with Samantha Bee and Last Week Tonight with John Oliver have done great, extensive coverage on why such Trump’s recent travel and immigration ban is unnecessary and awful. Though you might have seen it already, the segments seem even more crucial than when they hit the airwaves and the Internet.
So, we’ve gathered the lot of them up here in this post for your convenience.
This weekend, President Trump signed an executive order that banned immigration and travel from non-U.S. citizens from 7 Muslim majority countries that are suspected of sending terrorists to our shores here in the U.S.
Of course, this prohibits many refugees from coming to America that have already gone through a rigorous process to come to the States for the next several months. Here are more details on what the executive order says and does as well as the aftermath, which includes a few judges defying the order in regards to detaining certain individuals already at U.S. airports, from The Atlantic.
There are plenty of protests of this executive order to join at airports around the country. If you can’t join in there, consider donating to the ACLU or CAIR (the Council on American-Islamic Relations).
Also, for the good measure of normalizing Muslims in the U.S., watch, rewatch, and/or share Aasif Mandvi’s brilliant satirical multi cam sitcom Halal in the Family.