The Razzie Awards Are, for the First Time Ever, Getting Made Into a TV Special Thanks to Comedy Dynamics
The Razzie Awards, otherwise known by their more formal(?) name The Golden Raspberry Awards, are the unapologetic trolls of awards season that “honor” the worst that Hollywood spat out into theaters over the last year.
Admittedly, it is fun to see who gets nominated and there is usually way less debate (though we’re not sure whether that’s because no one’s jockeying for a Razzie or if they are just that spot on with their picks).
An entire TV special would essentially (probably) be a roast and, perhaps, a pretty entertaining one depending on who the host is (Nikki Glaser, Matt Rogers/Bowen Yang, Joel Hodgson?).
Maybe this is the spiritual consolation for the White House Correspondents Dinner no longer being hosted by a comedian? We’ll just have to see what Comedy Dynamics has up their sleeve and how far they’re willing to go.