Please Get and Enjoy Nicolette Daskalakis’ Satirical Love Poems in “Portrait of Your Ex Assembling Furniture”
The idea of poetry about love usually conjures up some sort of Shakespearean declaration diced up in iambic pentameter.
Nicolette Daskalakis’ latest collection of poems in Portrait of Your Ex Assembling Furniture takes a much, much more modern and nuanced approach that captures the anxiety, frustration, ennui, etc. that make up love’s potential side effects (and, consequently, make it the more great when you end up actually finding love, or so we hope).
Her poems break far from traditional form and have a refreshing bit of sass and verve that are akin to the age of the Internet, but not in any sort of way that’s exhausting or alienating (you know, like the Internet mostly is). You can take a gander at a few of them over at Amazon.
So, please go and get some poetry for once with Portrait of Your Ex Assembling Furniture by Nicolette Daskalakis here.