Big Mouth’s Valentine’s Special “My Furry Valentine” Is Now Streaming

Marked as the first episode of season 3, this very special Valentine’s episode (it’s also technically a double ep.) of Big Mouth is all the unabashed magic-realism-driven-blue-humor that you’ve come to, perhaps, secretly enjoy does a great job of covering almost every base for the holiday (as opposed to so many rom coms that fall short of the mark).
My Furry Valentine definitely satisfies that get a little existential or nihilistic on Valentine’s Day with several storylines, but also has enough sweetness for those who actually lean into the corporate created holiday about love.
In any case, Big Mouth Presents My Furry Valentine is now streaming at Netflix for you to enjoy a week before the actual Valentine’s Day as many folks, we guess, probably have other things lined up to do besides binge watching Netflix?