Pick of the Day: What’s The Worst That Could Happen? A Comedy Show (in NYC) 10/21
Halloween is approaching fast and, with it, a lovely swath of spooky comedy shows for the next few weeks. If you have a penchant to mix your laughs with getting goosebumps, you might want to keep an extra eye out for what might be the pumpkin spice of live comedy.
For instance, NYC’s Will Purpura and Ilana Rubin are doing a whole comedy show with an Ouija board and, as if to goad the spirits on, doing so on their show called What’s the Worst That Could Happen? Though the show isn’t happening at the “witching hour”, the peak time for doing Ouija, five comedians “having” messages spelled out for them by “forces beyond this world” ought to be a hoot.
Best of all, the show is FREE. Mark your calendars for Sat. Oct. 21st at 7PM to go to, if you dare, Young Ethel’s in Brooklyn and remember that Ouija boards are made by a toy company.