The “Get Rich Nick” Podcast Both Investigates Actual Ideas to Get Money Quick and Is Delightful Along the Way

Nick Vatterott and Nick Turner, both mastered in their on-stage silliness as comedians, take a serious turn, albeit a slight one, for their new podcast Get Rich Nick.
Each episode has both Nicks legitimately try out different methods of making money real quick, taking whatever consequences and mishaps come along their way (so you don’t have to!). Throughout, Nick and Nick maintain a level of goofiness to have Get Rich Nick be funny while discovering something like donating plasma isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be. Other episodes cover betting on racehorses and doing TaskRabbit and have been very enjoyable journeys thus far.
They’re just a few episodes in, but Get Rich Nick is definitely worth an early subscribe. Please do so here or wherever you listen to your podcasts.