Please Enjoy Mike Birbiglia’s Commencement Speech for Georgetown’s Class of 2020
It’s that time of year where waves of graduations are happening at every level. As far as comedy is concerned, that does usually mean that there is a handful of great commencement speeches that are given by comedians and, essentially, you get to see inspirational stand-up done in a gowns and ceremonial hats. The speeches are meant for the graduates, but there’s a certain joy in still watching such addresses no matter what stage of life you’re in.
The COVID-19 pandemic has obviously made an in-person graduation with hundreds or thousands of people gathering impossible at the moment. Yet, the commencement speeches are still coming through for the classes of 2020 remotely.
Mike Birbiglia just remotely gave such a speech that was pretty damn perfect for the Georgetown University Class of 2020 and the almost unbelievable times that we live in. Birbiglia makes a rather short speech as far as commencement speeches go, but it’s so perfectly worded (as it would be from someone who routinely does celebrated solo shows on Broadway).
Please enjoy it and maybe feel a little more inspired about life going forward here.