Please Enjoy The Dress Up Gang’s “Cute House” (Also, Now Would Be a Really Great Time to Release Their TBS Series)
This recently released short “Cute House” from The Dress Up Gang is not only a very, very welcome respite from everything else that’s going on, but it’s hilarious display of their quiet, offbeat brilliance, especially when it comes to picking apart the traditional idea of masculinity.
The Dress Up Gang, a personal favorite of ours when it comes to sketch groups, had a TV show fully ready to go at TBS, then got shelved unexpectedly. Efforts to release it themselves fell short unfortunately. The world is binge watching TV at an unprecedented pace right now and, as such, having new shows and content to show is becoming more crucial to keep people from going stir-crazy while locked down at home. So, it would only stand to reason that this would be a really great time for TBS to un-shelve their entire TV show for all of us to see.
We definitely think it’s in the general public’s interest, whether a pandemic is happening or not to be quite honest, to see more stuff like this on TV.