Please Get and Enjoy Ben Roy’s Latest “Take That Sandwich”
Unquestionably, the time we have went through in the last year and a half (and are still very much going through) is fraught with trauma and darkness. Whether to dive into and process these experiences into comedy and, if so, how far do we go right now are questions that are very much up in the air and will be for awhile longer.
Leave it to one Ben Roy to bull rush into the darkness and come out with some, per his style and process, damn funny bits on the other side.
His latest album Take The Sandwich does not cower away from COVID-19 and all of its damaging systemic effects and, instead, dives in immediately and truly offers that healing power and perspective that comedy is supposed to have at its very core. Roy is one of the best at taking an audience through his own personal journey and weaving his own wildly colorful, punk rock, firebrand style of comedy and he certainly delivers in this latest hour (along with truly important messages about living life and the crucial importance of mental health).