R.I.P. Nick Nemeroff, 1989-2022

Nick Nemeroff spent a precious window of time of his life and comedy career in LA. For all the run-ins that we’ve had with him in and around the scene, Nick would be a delightful, extremely clever breath of understated fresh air. In reading various news or scrolling through various dedications to him on social media, you might have heard praises of how sweet and kind he was and those were 100% true.

Also, Nemeroff was one of the few that dutifully carried the one-liner comedian torch and very much did that side of stand-up comedy very proud. His deftly low key delivery and his spot-on pauses were the perfect accents to his MC Escher-esque writing. Please listen, enjoy, and spread the gospel of his debut album The Pursuit of Comedy Has Ruined My Life.

Nemeroff passed away from us all far too early at 32 and let’s please remember him far into the future where he should have been looking back at several successful hour specials.