1) As the Comedy Bureau promised, we were on the beat of comedians tweeting during and about the horrible extravagance that the Super Bowl is and here, for your enjoyment, in case you’re a better human being than all of us and have not succumbed to Twitter, are the 5 MOST HILARIOUS TWEETS from yesterday’s Super Bowl tweeting blitz:
“@pattonoswalt Baby trauma, robot thumbs, abusive women – if these ads reflect the U.S.’s mood, we’re in an "asshole spiral.”-Patton Oswalt
“@eddiepepitone This football game pales in comparison to crying in the woods with other men about our dads.Go Steelers!”-Eddie Pepitone
“@TonySam76 Wait until you all realize that you have just been watching an extended Michael Bay trailer for Transformers 3 #superbowl”-Tony Sam
“@thesulk That Coke ad with the dragon could’ve fed Africa.”-Alex Sulkin
“@joshcomers These commercials are effective. I just joined al-Qaeda. #Superbowl”-Josh Comers
2) Greg Proops is taking his podcast Smartest Man in the World LIVE, but he’s taking it to the Comedy Central Stages in Hollywood on Feb. 16th where you can be a fortunate audience member for FREE!!! Details are right here, but as the flyer warns, THIS IS NOT FOR THE FAINT OF VOCABULARY.
3) Big Trouble in Little Tokyo @ Señor Fish is tomorrow where you can catch Hasan Minhaj and Sean Conroy AND there is the 3 #$#$@!! Year Anniversary of BLAMBLAMBLAM!!! @ R-bar in K-town (only a firm stone’s throw from downtown LA), so now that your Tues. is planned, ehem, you’re welcome.
4) Tonight’s COMEDY CRAWL-a “case of the mondays” is now a good thing
What’s Up Tiger Lily? @ Hollywood Studio Bar & Grill 8PM FREE
Comedy Night @ Cherry Pit 9PM FREE
Keep It Clean Comedy @ 1739 Public House 10PM FREE
Crash Test @ UCB Theatre 11PM $5
5) OPEN MIC RUN 2/7/11
CLUB 705 705 Pier Ave., Hermosa Beach, CA/7ishPM/10 min. stage time at least
TRIBAL CAFE 1651 W. Temple St., Los Angeles, CA (echo park)/8PM
GROUND ZERO CAFE 615 Childs Way, Los Angeles, CA (USC on campus nestled in between dorms near intersection of Figueroa and Exposition)/USC student Sign-up 9PM/Non Student Sign-up 9:15PM/Starts 9:30PM
HARLEM PLACE CAFE 124 W. 4th St. (in alley between Main and Spring St.)/Starts 9PM
MARTY’S/THE OPEN MIC 7351 W. Sunset Blvd., Hollywood, CA (walk up Martel past Big Mama’s and Papa’s)/5PM to 11PM/$5 Cover/Free coffee & water.
6) Recently: The Green Bay Packers won the Super Bowl sending tons of Pittsburgh Steelers T-shirts to Africa, which still won’t solve the big problems in Africa according to Sam Kinison.
7) I wonder if anyone who had their New Year Resolution as starting to perform stand up comedy is still around on the open mic circuit or if they rejoined normal society. Any sightings can be reported to thecomedybureau@gmail.com.
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THE COMEDY BUREAU/@thecomedybureau