Morning Debriefing 2/6/12

1) …and now for Everything about the Super Bowl 2012 That’s Comedy Relevant But Weren’t Really Going to Ask

What to Catch Up On:
Watch all the commercials here.
Watch the Will Ferrell Old Milwaukee ad that only aired in Nebraska here.
Watch Dan Harmon celebrate at JD Ryznar’s house the last time the Giants beat the Patriots in the Super Bowl here.

The final touchdown of the game by NY Giants’ Ahmad Bradshaw will go down as the funniest TD ever in Super Bowl history.

Funniest Tweets During the Superbowl about the Superbowl:
“@robdelaney If you tweet about ANYTHING other than the Superbowl for the next 3 hrs you are literally worse than Osama bin Laden.”
“@kurtbraunohler HEY WHEN’S THE LAST TIME SO MUCH IRRELEVANCE TOOK AN ELEVATOR TOGETHER?!?!?!" [RE: ad with Madonna and Jay Leno in elevator]
“@GuyEndoreKaiser That’ll do, Madonna… that’ll do." 
”@thesulk Dear Coca Cola, we’re aware of you. Spend money on other stuff.“
@mrseanpatton had a whole series of tweets that deserve a slow clap: 
"That girl in the telaflora commercial, I fucked her.”
“All the actors in that Avengers commercial, I fucked them. The green one is a freak in the sack!”
“Whoa! Saw that angel do a backflip?! Yeah I fucked him. How do you think he learned to backflip?" 
"There were over 100 people involved in this halftime show. I would not fuck any of them. Not again anyway.”

Funniest Tweet During the Superbowl That Had Nothing Whatsoever To Do With The Superbowl or Anything Else on TV:
“@Katie_Crown "I have no eyes!” – president boob"

…and that concludes Everything about the Super Bowl 2012 That’s Comedy Relevant But Weren’t Really Going to Ask. Back to the normal debriefing.

2) SXSW announces their comedy podcast line-up featuring WTF!, Comedy Bang Bang, Smartest Man in the World, You Made It Weird w/Pete Homes, and more.

3) Comedy finally gets some unfiltered respected long form professional criticism with the Spit Take officially launching today.

4) Tonight on late night, watch John Roy do a set on Conan! (TBS 11PM)

5) Improv Everywhere challenges Aspen, CO to meet a black person and white people are still sort of weird about in 2012. 

6) The Unbookables, a documentary about comedy’s dark side i.e. when comedy becomes a battle (sometimes started by the person on stage), is now available on DVD with the likes of Kristine Levine, Brendon Walsh, Sean Rouse, and more.

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7) The very funny Wendy Liebman chatted with the very funny Josh Fadem. Oh, comedy nerdom…

8) We got to chat with Susan Burke for Laughspin before she went to Sundance for Smashed, which she co-wrote, and hopefully became all big and famous, especially since Sony Pictures Classics just bought the movie.

9) Watch sketch group Dead Kevin explore the intricacies of assigned dish washing between roommates in a way that you should ever do. 

10) Patton Oswalt touched on this on Finest Hour, but as it has been discovered that law enforcement agencies can remotely activate microphones attached to mobile devices, it’s pretty hilarious how much non-sense they’d have to listen to ESPECIALLY if they listened to any comedian for just one day.

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