Morning Debriefing 11/25/11

1) Let’s start off Black Friday right with Michele Bachmann plugging her book Core of Conviction FoD style.

2) We have no idea how this slipped through the Comedy Bureau interdepartmental walls, but faux-retro-action-comedy web series Danger 5 did. It’s crazier than Inglorious Basterds in much more manageable lengths. Watch the trailer. [via JackieKashian]

3) There are no doorbusters here, but Team Coco just opened their new online store, which you can buy Conan merch without any risk of bodily harm from other shoppers.

4) The Midnight Show gives you tips on how to plant your own vegetables. That’s all there is to it…

5) You do know you can write for Cracked, right?

6) Though we missed posting this on or before Thanksgiving, Alison Agosti gives some great tips on how to get into the holiday spirit, especially you hate things like getting into the holiday spirit.

7) The Pardcast-a-thon starts at 6PM PST tonight and going for 12 hours. Laugh and donate. That’s all you need to do with that one

Best of Groundlings @ Groundlings Theatre 8PM $20 
Maximum Fun w/Jesse Thorn @ Ice House Stage 2 8PM $10/2 drink min.
Christina Pazsitsky @ Flappers Burbank 8PM/10PM $17/2 item min.
12 Shiny Nickels @ Hollywood Improv Lab 8:30PM $10 

SET LIST @ FLAPPERS BAR 102 E. Magnolia, Burbank, CA/Sign-up 5PM/Starts 5:30PM/given “set list” of topics to do jokes off of/first come, first served/no purchase necessary
SAL’S COMEDY HOLE 7356 Melrose Ave., Hollywood, CA/Starts 6PM/$4 min./first come, first served
SILVERLAKE LOUNGE 2906 W. Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, CA (Silverlake)/Sign-up (lottery) 6:30PM/Starts 7PM/4 min./no purchase necessary
SUNSET GRILL 7439 W. Sunset Blvd., Hollywood, CA/Starts 7PM/one item min.
MAX BLOOM’S 200 N. Malden Ave., Fullerton, CA/Starts 7PM/booked show after/no purchase necessary
HOLLYWOOD HOTEL 1160 N. Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA/Sign-up 6PM/Starts 7PM/5 min./first come, first served/one drink min.
GLENDALE DAYS INN 450 N. Pioneer Dr., Glendale, CA/Sign-up 7PM/Starts 8PM/No foul language/No purchase necessary/first come, first served   
MARTY’S/THE OPEN MIC 7351 W. Sunset Blvd., Hollywood, CA (walk up Martel, past Big Mama’s and Papa’s)/5PM to 11PM/$5 min./multiple sets allowed/first come, first served/coffee and bottled water available  
HOLLYWOOD HOTEL 1160 N. Vermont Ave., Hollywood, CA/Sign-up 11PM/Starts MIDNIGHT/5 min./first come, first served/one drink min.
FLAPPERS BAR 102 E. Magnolia Ave., Burbank, CA/Sign-up 10PM/Starts MIDNIGHT/lottery  

10) I think it would be beneficial to societal order and also a lot funnier if everyone doing Black Friday shopping had to verify that they were shopping for anybody but themselves.

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