Few comedy shows party quite as hard as Late Late Breakfast with hosts Danny Maupin and Tyler Jackson and that’s why it’s special the few times that they come around to LA every year.
This Saturday, October 6th is one of those special days where uber-silly challenges meet stand-up during “late late breakfast” (that would make it “late brunch” hours too, we guess?).
Debra DiGiovanni, Kara Klenk, Jordan Doll, Phoebe Bottoms, Simon Gibson, Amy Silverberg, Langston Kerman, Will Miles, Sasheer Zamata, and Jackie Kashian will all be joining in the controlled chaos at 5PM (doors open at 4PM if you want to get a good seat) at Silverlake Lounge (2906 W Sunset Blvd).
Admission is free, but donations will be accepted. Get more details here.
The rest of our listings for comedy shows, events, screenings, open mics, maps, and more can be found at www.thecomedybureau.com.