One of the most bonkers comedy shows around, Late Late Breakfast, is going live on a live-stream! For the uninitiated, Late Late Breakfast issued random challenges and games for comedians to do while trying to do their act including having to make as many burgers as possible, fighting with paper airplanes, having to do a plethora of impressions, and more. Personally, we’re excited to see how they will pull off their crazy format via Zoom/Twitch.
As always, Tyler Jackson and Danny Maupin will preside as hosts of the controlled chaos and they’ve wrangled quite the line-up from around the country including:
Shane Torres
Maggie Maye
Casey James Salengo
Chloe Radcliffe
Ian Aber
Dante Powell
Sean Smith
Tune in and witness the madcap delights of Late Late Breakfast on Sat. Apr. 18th at 1PM PT/4PM ET at