On Top of Seth Meyers’ TV Series Offer for Dropping Out, John Oliver Offers Up His Emmy to Donald Trump If He Gives Concession Speech

Maybe he’ll forget about doing Trump TV as well.

On last night’s Last Week Tonight, John Oliver offered a proposition to Donald Trump in the form of a bet that promised Trump to get Oliver’s Emmy award should he lose, which is become more and more inevitable everyday. That all stems from the Trump’s mention of how he should have won an Emmy for The Apprentice, and, of course, calling NATAS rigged when he didn’t.

So, at this point, Trump, if he was to take late night hosts up on their offers could drop out and get a fake TV show (maybe) from Seth Meyers and give a concession speech and get an Emmy that isn’t his. As far as runner-up prizes go, that’s way more than he deserves.