While it’s sad to see one of the all-time best storytelling podcasts, The Crabfeast, come to an end, you have almost nothing to worry about as both hosts Ryan Sickler and Jay Larson will be doing their own storytelling-driven podcasts.
For starters, Ryan Sickler will be finding the stories of shortcomings, failures, hard times, etc. with hilarious guests and sharing them on his new podcast, The HoneyDew. Taking a listen to the first episode with Josh Adam Meyers, it’s clear Sickler won’t have lost a single step since the Crabfeast ended. It’s reveling in the “honeydew”, perfectly good fruit, that always seems to get passed up.
Take and listen and subscribe to The HoneyDew on iTunes or wherever you listen to podcasts. If you subscribed to the Crabfeast, the feed has changed over already.