Possibly one of the most entertaining educational series ever is Going Deep with David Rees. Originally on Nat Geo, it has now relocated to the Esquire Network for a second season that premieres on Nov. 11th at 10PM.
Here’s a trailer that promises more of Rees’ great, unconventional angle on learning about stuff.
To get the word out, Rees has opted to go “analog” (i.e. old school) with his social media promotion is going across the country posting flyers. Although, it would seem he’ll be documenting the whole thing and then putting videos up on YouTube as well as encouraging people to download the flyer and post it around their town. That’s why it’s called the Rolling Deep Analog Social Media Tour.
All this has the makings of another fantastic season as far as we can tell, which is why we’ll remind you to get find Esquire on your TV and tune in on Nov. 11th.