Conan To Return March 30th (with a Quarantine Friendly Version)

You probably have already seen that Conan O’Brien has been providing us with the sort of bits and tomfoolery that made him famous from the comfort and CDC recommended location of his own home. Leave it to the likes of Conan O’Brien to keep the silliness alive during these anxious times of this COVID-19 pandemic.

Other late night hosts have been also “broadcasting” from home, but the ever clever O’Brien has devised a way to do his show by shooting on an iPhone and utilizing video chat to interview guests.

Thus, Conan, will continue to air in this stripped down version (that’s oddly both lo-fi and high-tech) on TBS starting Mon. Mar. 30th at his normal air time of 11PM ET/PT. Technically, that makes Conan entirely a remote segment, which is where O’Brien has truly thrived in the last few years.

We can’t wait to see Conan do what he does best, make TV history, and inadvertently be a great ad for the iPhone’s video capabilities.