The Baseball Card Vandals Make Baseball Cards (and Trading Cards of All Kinds) Fun Again

One day, two brothers, Beau and Bryan Abbott, came to the realization that the collection of baseball cards were not going to amount to the baseball card fortunes of yesteryear. Knowing that, they just started what any two brothers looking for a good laugh might do and started drawing on them with sharpies, not unlike one would do in a school textbook that one hated.

Thus, The Baseball Card Vandals were born. Their pastime has escalated into a whole brand over the years that has expanded past baseball cards and ‘vandalizes’ all sorts of trading cards.

Though it’s out of left field (pun intended), the results of their comedic outsider art are pretty fun as you can see above and below.

You can follow the Baseball Card Vandals on Tumblr, Twitter, Instagram, as well as buy merch (cards, shirts, etc.)