Make That Sandwich, the ingenious sandwich-building game show created by Lindsay Ames, was due for a tour before lockdown and, well… you know what happened after that.
That said, with that advent of the live drop-in audio app Clubhouse, Ames, every now and again, does a virtual version of Make That Sandwich that’s still so damn fun and absolutely worth going into Clubhouse for (or downloading it and signing up and all that jazz if you haven’t done so already).
For the uninitiated, contestants take turns adding ingredients to a sandwich until someone says MAKE! THAT! SANDWICH!, at which point, Lindsay would actually make that sandwich in real time. As it’s a virtual Clubhouse live-stream, she’ll make the sandwich still, but it’ll be a later time TBD (and then beautifully captured on IG @makethatsandwich).
So, the very next Make That Sandwich will be streaming this Tues. Jul. 6th at 4:20PM PT/7:20PM ET as a special 4/20 edition of the show. If you’re not on Clubhouse and would like to be, we do have a limited number of invites we might be able to help you out with. DM us @thecomedybureau or e-mail us at