For whatever has been on top of the most anticipated new series of 2022, This Fool (previously known as Punk Ass Bitch), the single cam sitcom based loosely on the life of the hysterical Chris Estrada is way higher on the list than the LOTR spin-off. Co-created/written, with Chris, by the Corporate guys (Jake Weisman, Pat Bishop, and Matt Ingebretson) has been a combo that has had us hooked ever since we heard about it. The cameo of Fred Armisen along with him being an EP should just be a bonus for you at this point.
After years and years of being development, This Fool has the makings of a great sitcom that should be buzzed about with a balance of humor that’s both grounded, but gritty all set in the heart of East LA (along with a very likely scene-stealing Frankie Quinones set in a supporting role).
See all of this for yourself in the first official trailer for This Fool here, then look for it to drop on Hulu starting Aug. 12th.