The Comedy Bureau Field Report Ep. 226: Cara Mones & Caroline Suh & Making a Doc About Louis C.K.

Director Caroline Suh once was a Louis C.K. fan and then everything came out about his abuse of fellow female comedians, changing her perspective forever. Suh joined forces with co-director Cara Mones to examine the several forces and dynamics at play in comedy/entertainment, often against women, in the fall from grace and very quick rise back to an altered prominence of one Louis C.K. in their newly released documentary from Greenwich Entertainment, Sorry/Not Sorry. They especially hone in on the backlash against the women that came forward, even after #MeToo had been well established as a movement.

This week’s episode of TCB Field Report talks in-depth with Mones and Suh about their journey and outlook and hope from making this crucial documentary.

See Sorry/Not Sorry at Lyric Hyperion on 8/3 and stick around for Abby/Megan/Andy Not C.K. after or go see it on VOD.

Produced by Jake Kroeger
Music by Brian Granillo
Artwork by Andrew Delman and Jake Kroeger