OK, We’re Still Not Listing In Person Shows Again (Not Yet)

COVID-19 is still very dangerous.

Yes, there are vaccines that are being distributed at varying degrees across the world and there are declining numbers of cases and deaths, but the presence of several COVID-19 variants, the return of lockdowns across Europe, and the very clear negligence we’ve personally seen leads us to the same conclusion we had early on the pandemic: Until the majority of the world is vaccinated, this pandemic will not end and we all need to stick to the protocol and measures that have kept us safe in any way until the pandemic is actually over.

As such, we’re going to stick to covering virtual comedy shows (and maybe some drive-in shows) and mics and refrain from listing in-person events until it’s safe for any and all (especially when it comes to very immunocompromised folks). There are and have been in person comedy shows that you can see at your own risk, but we feel we bear a responsibility to curb gathering with this choice of ours as a way to prevent further transmission of the virus (and the gross lack of accountability that anyone has had for their actions and will continue to have well after this time).

Live comedy is best enjoyed when everyone can take part and we can’t wait for that time. Rest assured, we’ll be on the ball (as we have been for over a decade) when that happens.