This comedy short film Sixteen Thousand Dollars directed by Symone Baptiste has been our radar for a long time as many LA comedy favorites are featured throughout including Brodie Reed, Ellington Wells, and David Gborie and it has gone through the film festival circuit all across the country (back when you could watch a screening at a film festival in real life). Also, the premise of what reparations for slavery might look like already had us drawn in and is more timely than ever right now as white supremacy is getting dismantled more so than it has before in recent years.
So, there will be a virtual screening of Sixteen Thousand Dollars, courtesy of DSA Afrosocialist & Socialists of Color Caucus, and Q&A discussion to follow, which ought to be more crucial of a Q&A than your typical film screening Q&As.
Sixteen Thousand Dollars is set to screen on Sun. Jun. 21st at 12PM PT/3PM ET. Get more details and RSVP here.