Pick of the Day: GO BACK TO WHERE YOU CAME FROM! with Wajahat Ali and Hari Kondabolu (in NYC) 2/23
As the world opens up yet again (and we sincerely hope it sticks this time around), many folks are re-acclimatizing themselves to the thing that so many of us took for granted, talking to one another. In this reboot of our conversational and empathy skills, we hope that we’ll be better this time around.
In that spirit, you should watch and enjoy the upcoming conversation between brilliant comedian Hari Kondabolu and writer Wajahat Ali about Ali’s book GO BACK TO WHERE YOU CAME FROM: AND OTHER HELPFUL RECOMMENDATIONS ON HOW TO BECOME AMERICAN. They’ll have an earnest and blunt chat about being more inclusive and accepting of brown folks of all kinds here in America.
GO BACK TO WHERE YOU CAME FROM! with Wajahat Ali and Hari Kondabolu is set to go live and in person on Wed. Feb. 23rd at The Bell House in Brooklyn at 7:30PM ET. Tickets are $15 right now and you can (and should) go get them here.