You Know That the World Gets a Bit Better When Kyle Kinane Releases a New Hour; This Latest One Being “Shocks & Struts”
Ever since Death of the Party, Kyle Kinane has been releasing truly beautiful hours of comedy that showcase the artistry that can happen with just the a mic, mic stand and one’s tightly honed thoughts and words. That was true in his landmark debut album and is still so very true with his latest special, Shocks & Struts, fresh off the presses from 800 Pound Gorilla Media.
The comedic world view of Kinane is equal parts epic poetry and some of the keenest observations in all of comedy and, above all else, a missive of hope in people and of the world despite the absurdity in the world he has so deftly highlighted in all of his jokes. This latest hour sees Kinane coming off the pandemic, after having left LA, resettling in Portland, getting a van, and playing the road without having lost an iota of his comedic prowess. The only difference is that this special taps into a world that seems as scarier than any other in our lifetimes with the pandemic, the threat of AI, the very real consequences of climate change, etc. etc. Again, Kyle so colorfully and masterfully weaves and paints a funny, yet quietly beautiful picture of a world where, perhaps, vaccines causing autism is the key to combatting the “Singularity”.
Also, Kinane, as an almost signature part of his comedic repertoire, highlights humanity in a hopeful way despite whatever snap judgments he has. On Death of the Party, it was being relieved when going #2 at a scary bar and here, on Shocks & Struts, it’s getting saved in the desert from a “dude” named “Garrett” who had an egregiously gigantic truck.
As we said in the headline, the world is just a bit better with a new Kinane special and such is the case right here right now with Shocks & Struts. You can rent the special for another week from 800 Pound Gorilla Media or watch it on YouTube com Mar. 30th.