The Comedy Bureau Field Report Ep. 110: Brett Johnson & Bringing It All Back to the YARD
While it’s rare, there are folks that go and see almost the same amount of comedy that we do. It should go without saying that we enjoy the company of those folks, which is exactly why we had a splendid chat with the YARD Theater’s uber-friendly co-manager Brett Johnson. With his involvement, Brett has made a home for some of the more genre and tone bending types of comedy and, thusly, we have spent a good deal of time standing in the back and cracking up.
This week, we chat with Brett about The YARD’s journey through the last few years and where it looks to head. Also “hot” takes on Chappelle getting taclked, Corden ending his run at The Late Late Show, and the first reveal of Daniel Radcliffe as Weird Al Yankovic.
Follow @theyardtheater across platforms and @whatbrett on IG
The Comedy Bureau @thecomedybureau across platforms and please, please support TCB via GoFundMe, Patreon, or on Venmo (@jakekroeger).
Produced by Jake Kroeger
Music by Brian Granillo
Artwork by Andrew Delman and KT