The Comedy Bureau Field Report Ep. 150: Bill Oakley & Bringing Back Mission Hill
Renowned comedic mind and self-made food celebrity Bill Oakley (Simpsons, Futurama, Portlandia, Steamed Ham Society) joins TCB’s Jake Kroeger for this week’s TCB Field Report to talk through the changing decades of satire, especially when it comes to adult animation. More importantly, Bill is revisiting Mission Hill, his unfortunately short lived series co-created with Josh Weinstein after their time at The Simpsons, and currently touring it throughout theaters in the U.S. with an entirely new 4K restoration.
Also, “hot” takes on Simpsons episode being dropped in Hong Kong, AI Seinfeld going dark, and the future of Rick and Morty.
Follow Bill @thatbilloakley on IG and join in at The Steamed Ham Society at patreon.com/steamedhamssociety
The Comedy Bureau @thecomedybureau across platforms and please, please support TCB via GoFundMe, Patreon, or on Venmo (@jakekroeger).
Produced by Jake Kroeger
Music by Brian Granillo
Artwork by Andrew Delman and KT