Pick of the Day: The Talent Talent Show (in LA) 11/16

It’s not often a huge mystery that the root of many a comedian’s origin story is high school. It’s often the worst part of adolescence as the fog of adulthood starts casting a pall over what used to be a somewhat innocent world.

With that in mind, why not fictionally revisit it for a conceptual talent show with many LA comedy faves including Ever Mainard, Kyle Mizono, Sammy Mowrey, Madi Hart, and Kofie Yeboah (as well as Sam Walt Jones as the Principal andLane Unsworth as “Coach Unsworth”)?

That’s exactly what’s happening with The Talent Talent Show and this will be a HS night to remember fondly. In fact, we’re betting that this Talent Talent Show will be better than whatever high school reunion you thought was a good idea to attend.

Mark down Thurs. Nov. 16th at 10PM at Dynasty Typewriter and break out a $20 for tickets here.