MC Chris has dedicated his life to both being a nerd and being a rapper and has brilliantly and hilariously married the two for his own self-made rap career. He has been such “the guy” when it comes to rapping about Star Wars or the MCU or Ghostbusters or Nightmare on Elm Street that his fans have made an entire community around his nerdy rap canon and supported each other, found partners, started families etc. We talk all about how deep this rabbit hole goes while Chris is in the middle of his Last Tour (he’s not so sure about that, FYI). Also, MC Chris is probably one of the only rappers in the game to have a referential joke play out well over a decade.
Follow Chris at and get tickets for his 8/13 Lodge Room show at
The Comedy Bureau @thecomedybureau across platforms and please, please support TCB via GoFundMe, Patreon, or on Venmo (@jakekroeger).
Produced by Jake Kroeger
Music by Brian Granillo
Artwork by Andrew Delman and KT