Jenny Zigrino Makes a Grand Start to Late Night Stand Up Sets in 2023

Every calendar year does technically start on January 1st, but it seems to take a couple of weeks for everyone to get into the full swing of things and actually “start” the year (including late night talk shows). Fortunately, late night is back in full swing and so has stand-up comedy being featured on such programs (and we can only hope there will be even more of it this year?)

The always on-point and hilarious Jenny Zigrino starts this year in this realm of stand-up off with a bang on Corden. She had a tight, yet very fun set dissecting the generational disconnects between Gen Z and Millennials when it comes to romance (proof that there will always be new avenues to talk about dating in stand-up, especially if you make it personal).

So, please watch and enjoy this first great late night set of 2023 with Jenny here.