Announced today, sketch comedy has a new series on the way, effectively spun-off from the sketch comedy behemoth, Saturday Night Live. It’s untitled as of this moment, but the series is coming from SNL Weekend Update co-anchor Michael Che with SNL’s very own Lorne Michaels attached as an EP.
The series, which has gotten an order for six episodes will focus on such themes as “police brutality, unemployment, and falling in love” from a black perspective.
We’re glad to see another sketch series set to arrive, when there has been a scarcity of sketch comedy on TV (not to mention the cancellation of Astronomy Club on Netflix). The intriguing aspect of this is Che’s sketch series being at HBO Max as opposed to NBC on SNL. Is it going to take more risks and be bolder than SNL (which isn’t that hard to do these days). Supposedly, this series won’t be afraid to get controversial. To see how true that is, there will be a wait because, of course, the COVID-19 pandemic is as much a reality (arguably more so) than it was in March/April.