While Gareth Reynolds has cemented himself as one of the riff-ers/podcasters around via co-hosting The Dollop, you ought to know that Reynolds is more than handy on stage with a mic and an arsenal of hilariously prickly observations, especially when it comes to his parents’ homeland, England.
Gareth’s latest hour, the very clear cut England, Weed & The Rest (i.e. his set list) is as straight-forward as the name of the special. It’s an hour of jokes of said topics, delivered marvelously in a deluge of masterful UK accents, masterful act outs, and very attuned crowd work. As such, the most surprising thing here is that sort of classical hour of stand-up, without any sort of dissection of the art of stand-up or dramedy-laced narrative, still can and does work in 2023.
Please enjoy Reynolds AKA “Limaguafth” and his hour England, Weed & The Rest, now streaming on YouTube courtesy of All Things Comedy here.