2023 approaches and you may be having an appropriate sense of deeply cautious optimism or equally valid only slightly tempered cynicism. With the state of the world as it is and where it might be headed, wouldn’t it be fun to start off the year by being personally invited to throw tomatoes at comedic performers at a live show?
Such a practice was left to obscurity several decades ago, but comedic mastermind and experimenter Blake Rosier is bringing this ritual(?) back for night only at The Yard Theater in LA on Sun. Jan. 8th at 7PM. If in attendance, you’ll have the chance to throw tomatoes at Devon Drew, Elle Chapman, Indy Wilson, Austin Nasso, Adouria, Cerspence, Kev, and, of course, Blake himself. Undoubtedly, chaos will ensue and, perhaps, maybe bring a poncho?
If you’re New Year’s Resolution is to act with more intention, this is a great way to kick that journey off. Tickets are only $10 and you can (and should) go get them here.